Learning Chocolate
Para ampliar, puedes visitar los enlaces propuestos a la izquierda de este blog.
Back to school - It's Summertime - Autumn leaves are falling down - Seasons of the Year -
Halloween, Halloween -My body song. This is me - Transport song - Body Parts song -
The Food song 1 - The Food song 2 - I Like Food Song - Winter is here! - Mother Earth -
The animals went in two by two - The animals song - Yes, I can - Walking in the jungle -
Spring is here - Inventors and inventions - The Technology Song - What is Energy? -
Take me home country roads - Yankee Doodle - Hello Goodbye - In the city -
London Town song and Vocabulary of the City - Where's the classroom? - The Solar System song -
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- School supplies - We are at school again - Good morning - Halloween - Body Parts Flashcards (1) - Body Parts Flashcards (2)
- Body Parts Flashcards with Acctions (1) - Body Parts Flashcards with Acctions (2) - This is my Body - Food Flashcards 1
- Food Flashcards 2 - Home appliance vocabulary - My Home. Phrases 1 - 9 Tips Healthy Eating - Food Flashcards 3 - Bacteria - Town and City vocabulary - My City Phrases 1 - My City Phrases 2 - Gogo 1 - Animals Habitat
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The Tortoise and the Hare -
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- Winter (1930) Walt Disney - Midnight in a toyshop (1930) Walt Disney - Donald Duck winter cartoons - The Skeleton Dance
- Trick or Treat Folks - Ghost Casper: To Boo or not to Boo - - -
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I am a little scholar - A fat cat - A poor bee - Bear - Horse - Little bee - Owl and mouse - The cock and the dog -
The cock does crow The wolf is at the door - Two little dicky birds - Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
- Animal Poems - English Poems Collection - Moon, Moon, Moon - Chubby Cheeks
- There was an old woman - Our band - London Bridge - Yankee Doodle -
Where has my little dog gone? - Row Row - See Saw
Learning Chocolate
Para ampliar, puedes visitar los enlaces propuestos a la izquierda de este blog.
Back to school - It's Summertime - Autumn leaves are falling down - Seasons of the Year -
Halloween, Halloween -My body song. This is me - Transport song - Body Parts song -
The Food song 1 - The Food song 2 - I Like Food Song - Winter is here! - Mother Earth -
The animals went in two by two - The animals song - Yes, I can - Walking in the jungle -
Spring is here - Inventors and inventions - The Technology Song - What is Energy? -
Take me home country roads - Yankee Doodle - Hello Goodbye - In the city -
London Town song and Vocabulary of the City - Where's the classroom? - The Solar System song -
- - - - -
- School supplies - We are at school again - Good morning - Halloween - Body Parts Flashcards (1) - Body Parts Flashcards (2)
- Body Parts Flashcards with Acctions (1) - Body Parts Flashcards with Acctions (2) - This is my Body - Food Flashcards 1
- Food Flashcards 2 - Home appliance vocabulary - My Home. Phrases 1 - 9 Tips Healthy Eating - Food Flashcards 3 - Bacteria - Town and City vocabulary - My City Phrases 1 - My City Phrases 2 - Gogo 1 - Animals Habitat
- - - - - - -
The Tortoise and the Hare -
- - - - - - -
- Winter (1930) Walt Disney - Midnight in a toyshop (1930) Walt Disney - Donald Duck winter cartoons - The Skeleton Dance
- Trick or Treat Folks - Ghost Casper: To Boo or not to Boo - - -
- - - - - - -
I am a little scholar - A fat cat - A poor bee - Bear - Horse - Little bee - Owl and mouse - The cock and the dog -
The cock does crow The wolf is at the door - Two little dicky birds - Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
- Animal Poems - English Poems Collection - Moon, Moon, Moon - Chubby Cheeks
- There was an old woman - Our band - London Bridge - Yankee Doodle -
Where has my little dog gone? - Row Row - See Saw
A variety OF fruit and vegetables