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4.-Research about the weather (forecast) in a city in The United Kingdom. Click here and read the PROJECT.
5.-Upload your work like a comment in this post.
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Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2009.
York is a city in England, in the East of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in York now.
The forecast for York for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 3rd : sunny intervals
Wednesday, 4th : sunny
Thursday, 5th : sleet
Friday, 6th : light snow showers
Saturday,7th : light snow showers
By Marcela & Mercedes
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2009.
Norwich is a city in England, in the north-east of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Norwich now.
The forecast for Norwich for the next five days is:
·Tuesday, 3th : sunny
·Wednesday, 4th : sunny
·Thursday, 5th : light rain
·Friday, 6th : heavy snow
·Saturday, 7th : light snow showers
By Sergio & Alba
Today is Thursday, the 3rd of February of 2009
Bangor is city in Wales, in the East of The United Kingdom.
It's winther in Bangor now .
The forecast for Bangor for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 3rd: Partially cloudy with chance of light snow.
wednesday, 4th: Partially cloudy.
Thursday, 5th : Partially cloudy with snow.
Friday, 6th: Quite sunny.
Saturday, 7th : Partially cloudy with snow.
By David & Najla
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2009.
Liverpool is a city in England, in the center of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Liverpool now.
The forecast for Liverpool for the next five days is:
Tuesday,3rd : heavy snow showers.
Wednesday, 4th : sunny intervals.
Thursday, 5th : ligh snow showers.
Friday, 6th :hail showers.
Saturday,7th :light snow showers.
By Christian & Víctor
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2009
Dundee is a city in Scotland, in the north, of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Dundee now.
The forecast for Dundee for the next five days is:
Tuesday,3rd: heavy rain
Wednesday,4th: heavy snow
Thursday,5th: light snow
Friday,6th: light snow showers
Saturday,7th: light snow showers
By Iñaki & Clara
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2.009.
Livepool is an England city, in, the center of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Livepool now.
The forecast for Livepool for the next five days is:
Tuesday,3rd :heavy snow showers.
Wednesday,4th :sunny intervals.
Thursdau,5th :light snow showers.
Friday,6th :hail showers.
Saturday,7th :light snow showers.
By Nicolás & Nazaret.
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of Febuary of 2009.
Bangor is a city in Wales, in the South of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Bangor now.
The forecast for Bangor for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 3rd : light rain.
Wednesday, 4th : light rain.
Thursday, 5th : light rain.
Friday, 6th : light snow showers.
Saturday, 7th : light snow showers.
By Niamh & Antonio.
Today is Tuesday,3rd the of February of 2009.
Aberdeen is a city in Scotland. in the North-East of The United Kingdon.
It`s winter in Aberdeen now.
The forecast for Aberdeen for the next fay days is:
Tuesday,3rd :heavy rain
Wednesday,4th :heavy rain
Thursday,5th :light snow
Friday,6th :light rain
Saturday,7th :light snow showers
By Bernardo & Sebastian.
Today is Tuesday, 3rd of February 2009
York is a city England, in the north-east of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in York now.
The forecast for York for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 3rd : sunny intervals
Wednesday, 4th : sunny
Thursday, 5th : sleet
Friday, 6th : light snow showers
Saturday, 7th : light snow showers
By Victor & Antonio
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February of 2009.
Manchester is a city in England, in the center of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Manchester now.
The forecast for Manchester for the next five days is:
Tuesday, the 3rd : sunny.
Wednesday, the 4th : cloudy.
Thursday, the 5th : light snow.
Friday, the 6th : sunny.
Saturday, the 7th : light snow showers.
By Juan Miguel and Antonio Luis.
Today is Tuesday,the 3rd of February of 2009.
Bristol is a city in England, in the South of the United Kingdom.
It' s winter in Bristol is now.
The forecast for Bristol for the next five days is:
Tuesday,3rd : heavy snow showers.
Wednesday,4th : light rain.
Thursday,5th : sleet.
Friday,6th : sunny intervals.
Saturday,7th : light snow showers.
By Francisco & Ana.
Today is Thursday, the 5th of February of 2009.
Wolverhampton is a city in England, in the north of the united kingdom.
Its winter in Wolverhampton now
The forecast for Wolverhampton for the next five days is:
Thursday the 5th : some sleet of snow.
Friday the 6th : cloudy.
Saturday the 7th : sunny.
Sunday the 8th : heavy snow.
Monday the 9th : some sleet of snow.
Ashleigh & Cristian.
Today is Thursday, the 5th of February , 2009.
Manchester is a city in England, in the West of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Manchester now.
The forecast for Manchester for the next five days is:
Thursday 5th : sleet
Friday 6th : cloudy
Saturday 7th: sunny
Sunday 8th: cloudy
Monday 9th: sunny
Antonio Gabriel and Antonio Jesús
Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of February, 2009
Glasgow is a city in England, in the East of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Glasgow now.
The forescast for Glasgow for the next five days is:
Thursday ,4th : Light snow.
Friday, 5th : Sunny intervals.
Saturday,6th : Sunny.
Sunday, 7th : Sunny intervals.
Monday, 8th : Sunny intervals.
By Francisco & Encarnación.
Today is Thursday, 5th of February, 2009.
Londonberry is a city in Northem Iretand, in the north-west of The United Kingdom..
It´s winter is Londonderry now.
The forecast for Londonberry for the next five days is:
Thursday, 5th: sunny intervals
Friday, 6th: sleet showers
Saturday, 7th: light snow
Sunday, 8th: light snow
By Noelia and Mariano
Today is Thursdy, the 5th of February of 2009.
Leeds is a city in England, in the east of the United kingdom.
It's winter in Leeds now.
The forecast for Leeds for the next five days is:
Tuesday 5th : sleet
Friday 6th:cloudy
Saturday 7th:sunny
Sunday 8th:light snow
Monday 9th:sunny
By Isaac & Anabel
Today is Thursday, the 5th of February, 2009.
Leicester is a city in England, in the east of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Leicester now.
The forecast for Leicester for the next five days is:
Thursday, 5th : sleet
Friday, 6th : cloudy
Saturday, 7th : sunny
Sunday ,8th : heavy snow
Monday ,9th : sleet
Today is Thuersday,the 5th of Febrary 2009.
Newport is a city in Wales, in the South of the of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Newport now.
The forecast for for the next five days is:
Thursday,the 5th : sleet
Friday,the 6th : cloudy
Saturday,the 7th : sunny intervals
Sanday,the 8th: heavy snow
Monday,the 9th: sleet
By Juan & David
Today is Thursdy, the 5th of February 2009.
Essex is a city in England, in the South-East of the UNITED KINGDOM.
It´s winter in Essex now.
The forecast for Essex for the next five days is:
Thursday,5th : Sunny Showers
Friday,6th : Cloudy
Saturday,7th : Fair
Sunday,8th : Fair
Monday,9th : Partly Cloudy
Elizabeth , Miguel & Laura .
I've just found this blog by chance. My name is Maria, I come from Berja, but I currently live in New York, USA... and I would like to add today's New York weather report :)
Today is Febrary 5th, 2009 and it is sunny but cold (-5 C) and windy.
Congratulations to all of you for your nice blog! It is a great idea to encourage kids to work on their English. Good job!
Kind regards,
PS: It is nice to find out that Berja is becoming more and more multiculural!
The weather in Orlando, Florida, USA.
It's stormy and windy.
The weather in Hutsville, Tennessee, USA:
It's snowing.
The weather in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA:
It's rainy.
The weather in Miles City, Montana, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Denver, Colorado, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Madison, Wisconsin, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Norman, Oklahoma, USA:
It's sunny.
The weather in Reno, Nevada, USA:
It's snowing.
The weather in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Judith Gap, Montana, USA:
It's cloudy and snowy.
The weather in Miami, Florida, USA:
It's sunny.
The weather in Latwon, Oklahoma, USA:
It's sunny and cloudy.
The weather in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Phoenix, Arizona, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Selma, Alabama, USA:
It's sunny.
The wather in Appleton, Wisconsin, USA:
It's cloudy.
The weather in Cleveland, Mississippi, USA:
It's sunny.
The weather in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA:
It's snowy.
The weather in Harrisburg, Pennsilvania, USA:
It's cloudy.
Thursday, the 28th of January, 2010
Sunderland is a city in England in the East of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Sunderland now.
The forecast for Sunderland for the next five days is:
Thursday, 28th: light rain
Friday, 29th: sleet shower
Saturday, 30th: light snow shower
Sunday, 31st: sunny
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals
By Carmen Gádor and Antonio M.
Today is Monday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Bristol is a city in England, in the south of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Bristol now.
The forecast for Bristol for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3th: heavy rain
Thrusday, 4th: light rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain shower
By Llanos and Lucia
Monday, the 1st of February, 2010
Hull is a city in England, in the East of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Hull now.
The forecast for Hull for the next five days is:
Monday,1st: Sunny with light rain
Tuesday, 2nd: Heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: White cloud
Thursday, 4th: Sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: Heavy rain
By Noelia y Antonio.
Oxford is a city in England, in the East-South of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Oxford now.
The forecast for Oxford for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny.
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain.
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain.
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals.
Friday, 5th: light rain.
By Serena & Elisabeth.
Monday, 1st of February,2010
Londonderry is a city in Northern Ireland, in the North-West of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Londonderry now.
The forecast for Londonerry for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: drizzle
Tuesday, 2nd: light rain shower
Wednesday, 3rd: light rain
Thursday, 4th: heavy rain
Friday, 5th: sunny
By Trinidad and Andrea
Today is Monday, the 1st of February 2010.
Belfast is city in Northern Ireland in the North-West of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Belfast now.
The forecast for Belfast for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: heavy rain
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain shower
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: heavy rain
Friday, 5th: sunny
By Jose y África
Monday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Norwich is a city in England, in the south-west of The United Kingdom.
It's winter is Norwich is now.
The forecast for Norwich for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny
Tuesday, 2nd: rainy
Wednesday, 3rd: rainy
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: heavy rainy
By Juan & Brando
Today is Monday, the 1st of February, 2010
Lancaster is a city in England, in the west of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Lancaster now.
The forecast for Lancaster for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: light rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain shower
By Rosa Maria and Alejandro
Today is Monday, the 1st of February 2010.
Lancaster is a city in England (United Kingdom), in the south-east of Great Britian.
It's winter in Lancaster now.
The forecast for Lancaster for the next five days is:
Monday, the 1st : sunny intervals
Tuesday, the 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, the 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, the 4th: light rain
Friday, the 5th: heavy rain showers
By Rhiannon & Joaquín
Today is Monday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Manchester is a city in England, in the center of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Manchester now.
The forecast for Manchester for the next five days:
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals with sleet
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: light rain
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: light rain shower
By Antonio Garzón
Today is Monday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Ely is a city in England (United Kingdom), in the East of the United Kingdom.
It's winter in Ely now.
The forecast for Ely for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3th: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: heavy rain
By Nati & Magdalena
Today is Monday, the 1st of February of 2010.
Chichester is a city in England, in the East-South of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Chichester now.
The forecast for Chichester for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: heavy rain shower
By Mari Carmen & Izan
Monday, the 1st of Frebruary, 2010.
Liverpool is a city in England, in the West of The United Kingdom.
It's winter Liverpool now.
The forescat for Liverpool for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: sunny intervals
Friday, 5th: light rain shower
By Kike & Inda
Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of Febuary, 2010.
Birmingham is a city in England, in the Center of the United Kindom.
It's winter in Birmingham now.
The forcast for Birmingham for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: light rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain
Saturday, 6th: sunny intervals
By Luke
Today is Tuesday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Sheffield is a city in England, in the north-west of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Sheffield now.
The forecast for Sheffield for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 2nd: light rain
Wednesday, 3rd: heavy rain
Thursday, 4th: light rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain
Saturday, 6th: drizzle
By Mari Ángeles & José Jesús
Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of February, 2010.
Grimsby is a city England, in the North-Easth of The United kingdom.
It's winther Grimsby
The forescast for Grimsby for the next five days is:
Tuesday, 2nd: ligth rain
Wednesday, 3rd: ligth rain
Thursday, 4th: ligth rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain
Saturday, 6th: grey cloud
By José Andrés & Raúl
Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of February, 2010.
Bristol is city England in the South of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Bristol now.
The forecast for Bristol for next five days is:
Tuesday, 2nd: light rain
Wesnesday, 3rd: heavy rain shower
Thursday, 4th: heavy rain
Friday, 5th: light rain shower
Saturday, 6th: sunny
By Senaida & Alicia
Today is Monday, the 1st of February, 2010.
Bristol is a city in England, in the south of The United Kingdom.
It's winter in Bristol now.
The forecast for Bristol for the next five days is:
Monday, 1st: sunny intervals
Tuesday, 2nd: heavy rain
Wednesday, 3th: heavy rain
Thrusday, 4th: light rain
Friday, 5th: heavy rain shower
By Llanos and Lucía
Today is Monday, the 4th of February, 2010.
York is a city England, in The United Kingdom.
It's winter in York now.
The forecast for York for the next five days is:
Monday, 8th: sunny intervals
Tuesday, 9th: sleet shower
Wednesday, 10th: sleet shower
Thursday, 12th: sunny intervals
Friday, 13th: light snow shower
By Silvia F. and Silvia R.